Solnit Walking Lost
Maggi Hambling: The Edge paintings
FilmBilder sheep animations
Cubism and David Hockney Joiners – fractured edges in time
Making the World a Better Place !! update and rewrite linked to padlet on ethics
The project continues my interest in different subjective and objective ‘outsider’ approaches to documentary, focusing on environmental challenges, social challenges of marginalisation and rural poverty. and the changing and conflicting identities and interests that have underpinned debates around Brexit and future visions for our countryside and environment. I also link with relevant campaigning organisations like National Trust, Woodland Trust, local Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and Rural England.
Much of the work is concerned with ideas of ‘Place’ and linking subjective and objective narratives. Whether image-making is based on illustration or photography or even where the aim is ‘objective documentary’, many choices are made in terms of what is communicated and how image design and technical aspects of the particular medium can enhance that communication. I aim to pose some serious questions about our lives in England, our use of the environment and the ways in which we relate to each other – posing the same questions here as in my international work.
But – further my response to First Things Next – I am aiming for different types of outputs that fulfil different purposes: direct messaging, for different audiences linked to a broad ethical commitment. Provoking questioning from the viewer rather than imposing one single message. My work also reconnects with some of the more beautiful, funny and light-hearted aspects of Britain, as well as dealing implicitly or explicitly with some of the serious social and environmental issues we face.
I look at how my creative process, particularly documentary work, can be significantly improved through working with other people to help me to develop alternative narrative threads and visual approaches, building on some of my professional qualitative research skills.
Audience engagement!! update and rewrite linked to padlet on audience for SYP a3
Coupled with input from on-line and other sources, the projects explore alternative perspectives on place and time through sketchbook, creative photography and printmaking work. Starting from sketchbooks, photography, video/soundscapes and written reflections from walks, car and/or boat journeys, together with conversations with local people and on-line contextual research, I develop a diverse body of work including illustration, printmaking, creative photography, short documentary and allegorical books and moving image work. Much of the content will be new since the start of SYP and through 2022, developing links with organisations like National Trust, RSPB and Wildlife Trusts. Some projects build on earlier Visual Communication, photography and art projects not presented for assessment because my work was disrupted by COVID restrictions and/or I did not have the necessary technical skills or digital equipment and/or the images lacked narrative focus. The balance between ‘subjective’ and ‘objective’ documentary and extent of face-to-face engagement with local people will continue to depend on the extent and nature of COVID pandemic restrictions 2021-2022.
All projects are further developed with the benefit of hindsight and perspective of deeper investigation and local knowledge to have wider relevance, appeal and impact. My body of work will include different ways of engaging with audiences to improve my work in terms of:
- refining the ‘messages’ by getting a range of local views and information on social and environmental issues through conversations and interviews and local social networking sites.
- engagement with campaigning organisations to get their input and advice on how to make my work most relevant and contribute to changes.
- feedback on the effectiveness of the ‘communication aesthetics’ from local, national and also international overseas audiences to improve my technical and visual communication skills through ZemniImages Facebook page crosspasted to other social networks.
- finding different marketing, promotion and advocacy outlets for the different dimensions of the body of work. Including campaigning organisations like National Trust, Woodland Trust, local Wildlife Trusts, RSPB and Rural England.